Travelsmart Vacation

Malaysia Travel Planner

destination management company to Malaysia

We are destination management company in Malaysia provide your client to any part of Malaysia including Peninsula Malaysia and borneo. Tailor-made for the clients according to their needs or special interest such as adventure, beaches, eco-tourism, golfing, diving, hiking and many more. 


Central Region

Penang is located in northwest Malaysia comprising mainland On the island, the state capital of George Town is home to landmarks such as colonial Fort Cornwallis, the ornate Chinese clan house Khoo Kongsi and the Kapitan Keling Mosque, all testaments to centuries of foreign influence. To the west, a funicular ascends Penang Hill, with its panoramic views


Northern Region

Penang is located in northwest Malaysia comprising mainland On the island, the state capital of George Town is home to landmarks such as colonial Fort Cornwallis, the ornate Chinese clan house Khoo Kongsi and the Kapitan Keling Mosque, all testaments to centuries of foreign influence. To the west, a funicular ascends Penang Hill, with its panoramic views


East Coast

The Perhentian Island/ Redang are islands in west cost of peninsula Malaysia. The best time to visit is from March to October, outside of the monsoon season. You can enjoy crystal clear water and nice beaches.

melaka tour

Southern Region

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.



Sabah is occupying the northern part of the island of Borneo. It's famed for its 4,095m tall Mount Kinabalu. Sabah is also known for its beaches, rainforest, coral reefs and abundant wildlife, much of it within parks and reserves. Offshore, the Sipadan and Mabul islands are noted diving destinations.

sarawak tour


Sarawak locked at Borneo, stretches along the island’s northwest coast, including many beaches on the South China Sea. It's known for the rugged, dense rainforest of its interior, much of it protected parkland. Famous for eco-toursim.

We are registered travel agency & MeMBERS

Enjoy travel with us